Get curious. Learn game terms and dominate the yard.

Anchor: The player at the back of the team providing stability.

Bias: The natural curve that makes the bowl take a curved path.

Block: Placing a disc to prevent the opponent from connecting four.

Bola: Two balls connected by a string, thrown at the ladder.

Box: The wooden box with a hole where players toss washers.

Bunt: A light kick with the intention of reaching first base.

Catch: Catching an opponent's throw, which eliminates the thrower.

Clean Wash: A washer that lands inside the box without touching the rim.

Connect Four: Achieving four discs of the same color in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

Cornhole: Successfully landing a bag on the board without it touching the ground.

Deadness: A state where a ball becomes immune to being struck by opponents for a turn.

Deflector: A teammate positioned to deflect the frisbee towards the can.

Dink: A soft shot hit just over the net.

Elimination: When a player is hit and is out of the game.

Finish Line: The designated point where participants aim to reach.

Force Out: Getting a player out by forcing them off a base.

Full House: Rolling five dice that result in three of a kind and a pair.

Hop: The basic movement in the sack race.

Huck: A long, powerful throw down the field.

Instant Win: Throwing the frisbee directly through the slot in the can.

Jack: The small target ball that players aim to get their bowls closest to.

Jail: The designated area where captured players are held.

Kitchen: The non-volley zone close to the net.

Lagging: Throwing a bocce ball with the intention of landing it close to the pallino without hitting it.

Large Straight: Rolling five sequential numbers.

Leaner: When a horseshoe leans against the stake but doesn't encircle it.

Pallino: The small target ball that players aim to get their bocce balls closest to.

Pitch: The act of throwing a bag toward the cornhole board.

Pocket: The area between the net and the rim where the ball is bounced.

Pull: The throw-off that starts the game.

Rally: A sequence of hits between teams.

Rebuild: The process of stacking blocks back up after a tumble.

Ringer: When a horseshoe encircles the stake.

Shuttlecock: The feathered or plastic projectile hit back and forth.

Slack: Looseness in the rope that can be used to the team's advantage.

Smash: A powerful overhead shot aimed at a steep angle.

Tag: The act of physically touching an opponent to capture them.

Top Rung: The highest scoring rung on the ladder.

Tumble: The moment when the Jenga tower collapses.

Wicket: The metal hoop that players aim to hit their balls through.