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How To Play


  • Washers can be played one on one or two on two.

  • The boxes are placed 20-25 feet apart.


  • A washer thrown into the box is worth 1 point and in the cup is worth 3 points.

  • Cancelation scoring is in effect.

Alternate Rules

  • Within one washer length of the box – 1 point In the box 2 points in the cup 3 points balanced on the edge of the box 4 points.


  • The first player to 21 or more wins.

  • If a player is up 11-0 they win or if a player is up 17-1 they win.


Like so many of the classic yard games it is difficult to pint point Washer’s exact origin. Some credit the Greeks for inventing the game as they had pitching games. England also had very similar pitching games popular in their pubs. In the late 1800’s there are stories of cowboys playing a similar game with wagon wheels as the target. The states of Indiana and Texas both have staked claims to being the birth place of washers as does our friends up north in Canada with the story being that it to the states through Michigan. 

Whatever the correct origin story is it wasn’t until the 1980’s and 90’s that the game began to become more common and it didn’t become a main stream game until the early 2000’s. Washers is now one of the most popular and most portable yard games out there. In addition to having lots of variations and cousins in the yard game world it also has a lot of names including but not limited to: Washoes, Washers, Can It, Redneck Horseshoes, Ringers, Texas Horseshoes, Tubit, Washer Pitching, Washeroos, Washooe, and Poor Man Horseshoes. 

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